February 15, 2016

Beth is a rescue whippet who came to us almost four years ago aged 16 months, having been used for lamping rabbits from too young an age. Last year we noticed that our previously happy girl was no longer enjoying her walks, in particular she had stopped running with our other two whippet girls, was having difficulty getting up after resting, and would no longer jump into the car.

She was a very unhappy whippet. Extensive x rays were taken by our vet but they showed no sign of any specific damage to Beth's spine. Our vet suggested acupuncture but knowing Beth's aversion to vet premises, I was reluctant to have sessions within the practice environment. Cheryl was recommended to us by a friend, and, as she would come to the house, this seemed ideal.

Beth loved Cheryl on sight and, although slightly apprehensive, she accepts the therapy as she seems to realise that it helps her. After six sessions, along with massage and exercises which Cheryl has demonstrated, Beth really is a new dog. On the beach during the recent holidays she was running again and playing with her friends. We are delighted and relieved. We have our happy girl back. Enid, Dullatur.