Success Stories

Here are some friends we’ve made over the years… and some lovely comments from their owners.


Rebecca, Glasgow

Gorgeous George has been coming to the gatehouse for a couple of years now for spinal stenosis and he loves everything about it, he is not a morning dog but when you wake him up on appointment day by saying “is it time to go see the girls”, he’s up like a bat out of hell and drags me to the door from the car park (complete opposite from the vets).

The girls are all wonderful with him and they do a fantastic job to allow him to continue to the fun things he loves (including his zoomies) wouldn’t go anywhere else


Susan, Glasgow

Hey everyone I have been receiving rehabilitation for hip dysplasia, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the care and dedication of the entire team.

From day one, everyone has been so warm, attentive, and genuinely invested in my progress ,ensuring I am always comfortable and it’s  clear that they truly care about all their pawtients, and I have full confidence that I am in the best hands/paws

Thank you for helping me get stronger and I love my spa days you are all pawsome


Alison, Glasgow

Eddie aka Cannonball absolutely loves it when I tell him he's going "swimming". He cannot wait to get into the car and get to Gatehouse.

The girls are amazing and he honestly looks forward to his fortnightly trips for physio and hydrotherapy. Eddie's treatment over the past year and more has seriously helped his hip dysplacia and arthritis, meaning that he is still extremely active on a daily basis. The advise and information given to us is so helpful in assuring us that we are doing the very best we can for Eddie. I cannot speak highly enough of Gatehouse.


You looked after our old boys up to the end, so when we adopted Rhea from China, and learned she has luxating patellas, there was only one place to go!

Thanks for your expertise and care, for keeping us and our vet updated and giving Rhea lots of cuddles and treats! - Shona


Barry has been coming to Gatehouse for almost five years now, and the girls couldn’t take better care of him.

They take into consideration all of his needs and his many, many quirks, and are so accommodating.

The acupuncture is a game changer for his pain management, and the physiotherapy is helping him keep mobile in his twilight years. Barry is my world, and I feel confident handing him over as I know how well cared for he is and loved by all the staff


The First Lady of sass, Izzie, adores her Gatehouse Veterinary Rehabilitation aunties (even if her side eyes in the waiting area suggest otherwise)!

You have taught our baby girl to walk again after a ruptured disc in her spine left her paralysed and we will be forever grateful for everything you have done for her, and our wee family, with her weekly visits for “swimming”

She has been wobbly now for as long as she wasn’t wobbly before and we are so lucky to have you on her team for each of the 3 “bonus birthdays” we’ve had so far and many more to come!


Yukiko, Netherlee

Sam started regular acupuncture treatments a year ago, having being diagnosed with osteoarthritis and started on medication/ supplements a couple of years previously.

He is always welcoming when Cheryl arrives at the house, and looks comfortable during treatment, which is carried out on his own blanket. He is less stiff from the next day after the session. Given the nature of the disease, I guess there is no miracle cure, but his dosage of medication hasn’t changed since last year, and he is still keen to go for a short walk three times a day.

Although he can’t chase squirrels like he used to, he is a very happy 15 year-old boy. Combined with medication, weight control, light exercise and following veterinary advice (we also have an excellent vet), I believe acupuncture has certainly been beneficial to Sam.


Mary, Glasgow

Eddie was diagnosed wth hip dysplasia in Nov 2012. His back left leg was constantly protracted and obviously painful.. he began weekly sessions of physio at the small animal hospital and this has improved his movement.

He will always need these weekly sessions to maintain his condition, but I decided this year to try acupuncture as well for pain management. Initially I was not sure if this would be that beneficial to him but I was amazed that after the first session there was an a immediate difference in his walk, he wasn’t stiff and holding his leg up which he would do if he sat down for any period of time.

He has continued to improve - Cheryl has worked magic on him he is like a puppy running, jumping, swimming with no problems. Eddie will probably always need both his treatments weekly but it is so worth having a healthy happy dog, I totally endorse Cheryl’s magic it’s worked for Eddie, we love Cheryl and Eddie will always be her patient.


Fiona, Shawlands

My name is spook. I am an eleven year old black labrador. I was born with arthritis and elbow dysplasia on all four legs. I have had lots of operations and lots of various drugs to try.

Then my owner introduced me to an angel. First I was not sure, because she started sticking needles into me. Then I realised they were not sore, so just let her get on with it. At first we tried every two weeks, then tried three weeks, then they tried a four week break which was not good. So back to three weeks because that is what seems to suit me.

I can hear her come to the door and meet her full of excitement and oh yes lots of barking. I just sit there waiting for all the needles to go in. She has to use wee cat needles on my legs though (yes how embarrasing). She lets me put my head on her lap while she massages my head. This is just heaven. After she is finished I get a wee treat and I get a good nights sleep. My guardian angel she is called Cheryl.


Josey, Glen Mavis
Guiness is doing great with this treatment from Cheryl. I would highly recommend giving this a shot as going by Guinesses xrays she shouldn’t be walking according to our own vet practice.

But yet she is up and down her ramp no probs all day and night.


Gail, Ralston
Since Anya has started receiving acupuncture from Cheryl Corral for mobility issues (osteoarthritis) which were causing quite a bit of discomfort, she has made massive progress.

We are delighted with the improvement and recommend trying acupuncture as an alternative to traditional medicine.


Catherine, Drymen
My elderly cat, Boris has had a new lease of life since starting acupuncture with Cheryl.

He was spending most of his time sleeping upstairs but is back to sitting on our knees downstairs and even going outside again.

Thanks Cheryl.


Audrey, Glasgow
What a difference in Salty. In the car on the way home after the first session he was so much more calm and fighting sleep. He went into a really deep sleep that night and was snoring his head off! He was stiff to begin with in the morning, but by lunchtime I noticed a difference. He’s running everywhere, where normally he struggles to keep up and I have to slow down for him.

He’s been running ahead of me this week! Even with just the medication he wasn’t that mobile. Big difference and I’m so pleased. Thank you so much.

Inky & Tosca

John & Sandra Farrell 

INKY & TOSCA, our two, fourteen-year old house cats have suffered with chronic arthritis for a number of years. Recently, we noticed that their medication (Metacam) did not seem to be as effective as it used to be. Both cats were moving very stiffly and appeared to be in some pain.  We were looking for some alternative treatment to further medication when Cheryl (Acupets) was recommended to us as a potential solution.

We have both had acupuncture treatment as a method of pain relief and found it to be beneficial. However, we had our doubts that our cats would be sufficiently compliant to let anyone stick needles in them!  We were amazed to be proven mistaken.

From the very first consultation, Cheryl worked her magic and was able to carry out the treatment without any fuss. After the first needle was in place, the cats relaxed and sat quietly without complaint for the duration of their treatment. Since the start of their treatment, we have been impressed by the difference in the behaviour and attitude of our cats. They seem happier, more affectionate, more mobile and in less pain.

We are very happy to see the cats enjoying life to the full again and are convinced that this is largely due to the acupuncture treatment.Cheryl is a very caring, calm and knowledgeable practitioner. We have been very impressed by her and the treatment she provides. We would highly recommend her services if your pet is in need of pain relief. Inky & Tosca say thank you as well!! 


Bonnie, an 11 year old rescued West Highland Terrier, had a problem walking far and was carrying her tail down all the time.

Her vet, Richard at Rouken Glen Vets carried out X-rays and she was diagnosed with spondylosis of the spine. He recommended two possible options - acupuncture or hydrotherapy.

As Bonnie is not too keen on water we decided to go for acupuncture.

We contacted Cheryl as Richard her vet had recommended her, and after a couple of visits Bonnie began returning to her normal self.

She is now back to being leader of the pack and is walking and running very well. It is a pleasure to see this, and I would recommend Cheryl to anyone with pets with problems like Bonnie’s.


This is Red, my 9 year old Springer spainel. She has arthritis and has been treated with a range of different medication over the years. My vet recommended Cheryl as he felt Red would benefit from accupuncture.

I have to say that it has been the best treatment I could have been given. Firstly having Cheryl come to our home just makes it so much more easier and less stressful for Red. The procedure doesnt take long and afterwards Red is very relaxed and “chilled out”.

I find that the following day Red acts like a puppy and wants to run about and play. For us as a family we have found this quite amazing as for so long we felt she was just getting an old dog!! This year Red damaged her Cruciate ligament which resulted in surgery and shortly after needed further surgery for a meniscal tear.

I am so grateful and thankful for the support and advice Cheryl gave me through a difficult time.Without her I wouldn't have Red the way she is today!!!


My name is Rosie. A few months ago I was a bit under the weather. I had a an operation to repair the Cruciate ligament in my right back leg. My vet Dermot did an excellent job but as my left back leg had to take the strain while the other one got better I developed arthritis in it which made it sore and gave me a limp. My vet suggested I get acupuncture to help me and introduced me to a lovely lady called Cheryl who came out to my house and treated me there.

That was over six months ago and now look at me. I am back to my old self again playing with my toys and enjoying my walks again. At first I was a bit apprehensive about the acupuncture but I soon got used to it and it wasn’t sore in fact I often fall asleep during it.

My Mum and Dad said I sometimes snore but I don’t believe them. If your vet suggest that you should have acupuncture I say go for it! Cheryl is lovely and very gentle and she will soon have you feeling better. Hopes this helps you to make up your mind. Best wishes, Luv Rosie.



Sam started regular acupuncture tOur dear old German Shepherd cross, Nelson, was having significant issues with his back legs and hips, due to arthritis in the hips and knees and general muscle wasting. He was in quite a bit of discomfort, finding it difficult to get up from lying down, climb stairs, go for walks.

Cheryl and her acupuncture were amazing!! Nelson loved it - he would totally zen out during the treatments, falling asleep during it. It definitely made him more comfortable and able to move more easily.

The acupuncture complimented very well the other treatments / medication he was having. He is still around today, having made the trip back from Scotland to Australia.

Cheryl herself is a pleasure to work with and being a vet as well as a registered acupuncturist, a very good source of knowledge and expertise on many animal ailments. I would highly recommend her.


Mandy, Pollokshields

My dog Max has only three legs and after ten years of chasing squirrels, foxes and generally being a jack russell, he is now suffering from arthritis in his remaining back leg. He is taking traditional medication which is helping, but I was very interested in trying acupuncture to complement his medication.

He now has acupuncture once a week, and I really do feel Max is benefitting from this form of treatment. After only two treatments Max no longer shakes, and is happy and extremely relaxed with Cheryl.

The added beneft is that Cheryl comes to Max’s home, where he is relaxed, and the treatment is normally carried out on his own bed, where he is comfortable and totally chilled. Cheryl is a wonderful, caring and professional veterinary surgeon, and I have every confidence in her ability to help my dog.


Jennifer, Greenock.

Cheryl is a very professional, kind, caring and patient Veterinary Surgeon. Ben loves to see Cheryl, and is always relaxed and comfortable during his acupuncture. After the session she always gives him his favourite type of ‘snack’, which she gets especially for him.

After the sessions he can move much easier, with more comfort. The area that Ben lives in is outwith Cheryl’s catchment area but she very kindly agreed to treat him. Myself and Ben are very grateful for this.

In the past Ben has had an assortment of problems with three of his legs and now has to have daily pain relief and controlled exercise but now thanks to acupuncture sessions from Cheryl he can still enjoy his walks with his bestest buddy Maisie!


Enid, Dullatur

Beth is a rescue whippet who came to us almost four years ago aged 16 months, having been used for lamping rabbits from too young an age. Last year we noticed that our previously happy girl was no longer enjoying her walks, in particular she had stopped running with our other two whippet girls, was having difficulty getting up after resting, and would no longer jump into the car. She was a very unhappy whippet.

Extensive x rays were taken by our vet but they showed no sign of any specific damage to Beth’s spine. Our vet suggested acupuncture but knowing Beth’s aversion to vet premises, I was reluctant to have sessions within the practice environment. Cheryl was recommended to us by a friend, and, as she would come to the house, this seemed ideal.

Beth loved Cheryl on sight and, although slightly apprehensive, she accepts the therapy as she seems to realise that it helps her. After six sessions, along with massage and exercises which Cheryl has demonstrated, Beth really is a new dog. We are delighted, we have our happy girl back.

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